Ethel Gabriel: An icon in the world of recorded music…
… especially as related to “our kind of music,” Easy Listening /Beautiful Music … passed away recently. Her name was Ethel Gabriel,…

Even though the photos and stories in this chapter have nothing to do with Christmas, since we are in the heart of…

Two Cities … Two Great Stations!
What I wrote about in my previous Musings was really the prelude to the focus of this Musings … the publishing of…

From New York City to the Nation!
If you know my story at all, having been following these Musings for any length of time or have read my Memoir…

Selling the Advertising Community – Part One!
This is Part One of a two-part Marlin’s Musing Encore displaying how New York City’s WRFM told its story to the vast…

The “WOW factor” … a key part of life!
When’s the last time you said or thought “oh wow” in reacting to something you saw or heard? If you were never…

The purpose of these “Good-Time Picture” posts is to show color and/or larger versions of photos which appear in my memoir, RADIO…

Begin to like radio again … what?
Where did this advertising slogan come from? I’m not sure … one day it just popped into my head. I had never seen it used by another radio station, and I don’t remember ever seeing any other station pick up on it and use it anywhere else in the country.
The year was 1970 and this was not our first promotional campaign, yet it was our first real general market advertising, beginning with the rail and bus station posters shown below … then followed by the subway car poster you see above, along with the lighted signs on the top of the New York City buses.

The Birth and Evolution of the FM Dial “Card”!
As the Musings planned for this space hasn’t come together as anticipated … and as a gentleman recently engaged me in an…

A Radio Station & its Mistress! – Chapter Five
Here’s the last portion of Richard Pack’s 1983 article in Television-Radio Age: Not typecast For the most part, the WNEW salesmen were…

MBWA: Management By Walking Around
Due to Tudie’s # 1 Fan recently experiencing a fall which resulted in a broken arm of his right hand, he’s not…

Radio Stations I Have Known …
This new station logo was painted on this wall of a building near Yankee Stadium in The Bronx New York City in…