Memories from 55 years ago this week!
Yes, March 30th, 1969, would be my first day of employment with Radio New York Worldwide, Incorporated, the owners of WRFM and…

End of an Era – Part 1: 101.1 MoreFM
The End of an Era! If you have any current connection with the radio industry or live in greater Philadelphia, you are…

Radio’s ‘Christmas Festival’ Memories!
I recently received an E-mail from Frank Murphy … who was one of our key associates at our Bonneville Broadcast Consultants radio…

A Few Beautiful stories!
TV/Radio Age was an industry publication whose prime target audience was the advertising community, especially those which purchased advertising on radio and…

Radio Automation … circa 1974!
In case you don’t recognize us, the gentleman on the left is James A. Schulke, the proprietor of Stereo Radio Productions (SRP)…

Marlin’s Good-Time Picture Show – Part Five
As noted before, prior to leaving Maryland in the early part of this year, I sorted and sifted through many mounds of…

FM Radio’s status … circa 1970!
Since this story begins with a gentleman named Edwin Howard Armstrong inventing and developing what we commonly call FM Radio, I thought…

Ethel Gabriel: An icon in the world of recorded music…
… especially as related to “our kind of music,” Easy Listening /Beautiful Music … passed away recently. Her name was Ethel Gabriel,…

Reflections: Christmas Music on Radio!
Just when you thought Christmas was behind us and all of the all-Christmas-music stations had returned to regular programming, here comes Marlin…

Mike’s From-the-Heart Memories!
Recently, I received a “from the heart” communiqué from a WDVR staff member who joined us fairly early in the station’s life,…

A message for those who aspire…
Each year, at the April luncheon of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia, a group of 20 college students each receive a “scholarship”…

The Birth and Evolution of the FM Dial “Card”!
As the Musings planned for this space hasn’t come together as anticipated … and as a gentleman recently engaged me in an…