Memories from 55 years ago this week!
Yes, March 30th, 1969, would be my first day of employment with Radio New York Worldwide, Incorporated, the owners of WRFM and…

“The Rocket” Steam Locomotive and the Rise of the American Railroad
An article was recently published about Philadelphia’s famed Franklin Institute — which is in the process of redesigning a major exhibit space…

Railroad Memories … The “Newtown Branch” – Part Two
As noted in Part One, picking up with the arrival of the 1950s … the Reading Company would begin replacing their fleet…

A Railroad Named Conrail and Its Heritage!
This is an encore of a Musings originally posted on this page on August 16, 2018, with a couple of additions. Conrail…

1970’s Radio Trivia …
Wasn’t I having fun? Pages from old newspapers saved because they contained a story related to your life or work, or simply…

Christmas & Precious Memories
By the time you will read this in the early days of December, numerous radio stations in all corners of our nation…

Marlin’s Good-Time Picture Show – Part Five
As noted before, prior to leaving Maryland in the early part of this year, I sorted and sifted through many mounds of…

Even though the photos and stories in this chapter have nothing to do with Christmas, since we are in the heart of…

Reflections: Christmas Music on Radio!
Just when you thought Christmas was behind us and all of the all-Christmas-music stations had returned to regular programming, here comes Marlin…

The “WOW factor” … a key part of life!
When’s the last time you said or thought “oh wow” in reacting to something you saw or heard? If you were never…

Mike’s From-the-Heart Memories!
Recently, I received a “from the heart” communiqué from a WDVR staff member who joined us fairly early in the station’s life,…