This is Part Three of a pictorial review of North American railroad locomotives. Part One featured steam locomotives, mostly centered around the…

Erik’s Rail Photo Album!
For years my longtime friend, Erik Lindgren, who lives in Arvada, Colordo … has been roaming the Mountain West with his camera…

Dolly Parton, a Book, and a Train!
Originally published May 3, 2018 When I read that Dollywood re-opened this week ––after being delayed by many weeks due to the…

Diesel Locomotives … the early years!
This is one of the earliest “diesel” locomotives to go into regular production and was first offered way back in 1931 by…

All about Trains … a Museum visit!
During my November trip to the west coast of the United States, I was finally able to visit this building, the California…

There’s an old steam locomotive known as a “camelback!”
As you see in this photo, the engineer’s cab is located on the side of the boiler — the large round portion of every steam locomotive, where the steam is generated to power the driving wheels — rather than behind the boiler, which is the norm for virtually every other type of steam locomotive.
Hence, this design took on the “camelback” name, because the engineer sat astride the boiler. It became a very popular locomotive for pulling short passenger and freight trains on railroads such as the one which I grew up with … the Reading Railroad….

Legendary Trains …
The Pennsylvania’s Broadway Limited was one of two luxury trains which competed for passengers on the route between New York City and…

Golden Spike!
On what is being called the Golden Spike celebration, a week from now — on Friday, May 10th … rail historians and…

BNSF Railway & Its Heritage!
If you love “trains” and have at least some interest in railroad history as I do … you likely know everything I’m…

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania: Part 2
During Part One, which was posted several weeks ago in this space … I showed photos of one of the Pennsylvania RR’s…

What will it take for a smoother, more satisfying Amtrak ride?
My friend Mike and I – both train lovers – were chatting a couple of days back, talking about how great it…