NRHS Convention 2024
The National Railway Historical Society (NRHS) held its 2024 convention in Harrisburg, the capital of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Attendees traveled to…

“The Rocket” Steam Locomotive and the Rise of the American Railroad
An article was recently published about Philadelphia’s famed Franklin Institute — which is in the process of redesigning a major exhibit space…

An historic bridge with a new life!
Isn’t this a beautiful walkway? It’s known as the Walkway Over the Hudson and sits more than 200 feet above the waters…

Railroad Memories … The “Newtown Branch” – Part Two
As noted in Part One, picking up with the arrival of the 1950s … the Reading Company would begin replacing their fleet…

Railroad Memories … The “Newtown Branch” – Part One
Newtown is a borough located in the southern portion of Bucks County, Pennsylvania … an area immediately to the northeast of the…

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania’s famed GG1 Locomotive!
I recently found myself in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, an area where I’ve not spent much time in recent years. And, since it’s…

Celebrating Luxury Rail Travel … in the 1930’s & 1940’s!
As the message read under that headline on this set of five U. S. postage stamps issued on August 26th, 1999 ……

A Railroad Named Conrail and Its Heritage!
This is an encore of a Musings originally posted on this page on August 16, 2018, with a couple of additions. Conrail…

Railroads you may remember … which are now part of CSX!
This is an encore of a Musings first published here on May 24, 2018: In the world of railroading, they are known…

Erik’s Rail Photos – Volume Two!
On February 19th of this year, this photo carries the caption: “It was a good day for a 3.7-mile walk.” These are…

Railroad History: Shiny or Rusty Rails?
What better way to introduce a series of railroad photos than to get your attention with this marvelous picture of the fireworks…

DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES… End of the Early Years!
This is Part Four of this review of railroad locomotives produced in the middle decades of the 20th century … beginning with…