Is There a More “Haunting” Melody?
What would your first guess be as to what that melody is? Or, who would the artist or artists be? Would the…

End of an Era – Part 1: 101.1 MoreFM
The End of an Era! If you have any current connection with the radio industry or live in greater Philadelphia, you are…

Knowledge? Innovation? Passion?
Last year, I was honored to be asked to write an essay for inclusion in a student-oriented textbook titled The Radio Station,…

WHFS – Feast Your Ears
The month of September is now behind me … it was noteworthy, as I spent a good two-thirds of it “on the…

News from the “War Years!”
Here’s the text of what those who listened to XM Radio’s 1940’s Channel — known as the Savoy Express — during its…

Jim Aylward and His “Aunt Martha”
If the name Jim Aylward is recognizable and familiar to you, it’s likely that you lived in the greater New York City…

Twisted and Bent – A Guest Commentary!
During this Freedom Week, it just seems so appropriate that I share this Monday Morning Memo commentary as written and published just…

Coca-Cola … Bill Backer … and I’d Like To Teach the World To Sing!
I doubt that “Coca-Cola” needs any further description or clarification, and a song is a song, except this story is about a…

A Keyboard & Its Master … Dan Troxell!
Dan Troxell is one of only two instrumentalists (the other being steel guitar player Curt Shoemaker) who still releases recordings which include…

In the News … March 1945!
When XM Radio’s Savoy Express had its own newscaster, Ed Baxter … here’s what you would have heard Ed reporting on “the…

A Marlin Radio Industry Saga … Part Two!
Picking up from where I’d left off in my previous Musings … This was early 1958. Having gained the knowledge and secured…

A Marlin Radio Industry Saga … Chapter One!
Before I actually begin to tell you the story to which the headline relates, I’d like to preface what led up to…