enLighten, Marlin, & his 2021 SGMA Hall of Fame Induction


The enLighten Channel on XM Radio

A prime definition of “enlighten” is “to give spiritual knowledge or insight” … which certainly was an inspiration for choosing the name for the Southern Gospel music channel that XM Radio would finally commit to in 2004.

Before I go further, let me tell you that companies do not just pick names at random due to many aspects and concerns, including appropriateness and possible trademark infringement.  Rather, they hire a research firm which specializes in the process. In this case, because of the genre’s spiritual nature, the name recommended was enLighten with a logo design as it appears above, placing an emphasis on LIGHT … the reason being that within the Gospels — the first four books of the Bible’s New Testament, which contain the life story and teachings of Jesus Christ — Jesus is quoted as saying,

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”  

However, not long after launch, I discovered the logo had been changed. Inquiring, I was informed “the Marketing Department knew better and had decided on the enLighten name would simply be in all lower case. After some debate, we settled on the “L” being capitalized, as it appears here.

Enlighten Sirius XM Music Channel Logo

The Roots of Southern Gospel on XM Radio

While a year-and-one-half would pass before the genre called Southern Gospel would secure a place in the satellite channel lineup … the roots of the enLighten channel go back to XM’s beginning days in the Fall of 2001. As potential subscribers began reviewing what was being offered among the 100 channels of this new for-pay radio service, and not finding the genre of music which interested them, they began to make their voices heard.

When XM management finally acceded to  subscriber wishes, it was only partially — the Southern Gospel format would be added only as part of the new adjunct OnLine Internet service the Company was launching … not on the satellite service where the subscribers wanted it.

“Country Dan” Dixon brings Marlin Onboard

Dan Dixon at XM Studio

Where does Marlin come into the picture? As management had no plans for hiring anyone … “Country Dan” Dixon, who was the evening host on XM’s very-popular Country Music channel, America and produced a weekly one-hour Country Gospel music program, was instructed to “throw something together that we can call Southern Gospel.” Dan came to me, saying he was already on overload with his nightly 6-hour show and other duties plus was not experienced in structuring an entire format within our computerized programming system … could I help?

“Of course I can … Marlin’s always ready for a new challenge!” Even though I still carried full responsibility of the 40’s Channel Savoy Express and the Beautiful Music/Easy Listening channel now known as Escape … I jumped in with both feet.

As described in my memoir, RADIO … My Love, My Passion … beginning on Page 198, my involvement with this format would be a whole different experience. Unlike my two existing genres, I’d be entering a realm of programming that’s a “current-day” genre with a continual flow of new recordings by a large group of artists who are “very much alive” (if you follow what I mean) and active in recording and on the road presenting concerts.

Defining Southern Gospel

Defining Southern Gospel … it’s considered to have had its beginnings as a distinct genre in 1910, when the first professional quartet took to the road. While in the early days, most of those singing the music were quartets or family groups, today many of its artists are soloists or trios. In hearing, many might describe it as Country or Bluegrass style music. It gained the name “southern,” as its origins were in the southern states, primarily the Carolinas and Tennessee.

Here’s a typical Southern Gospel song, this one a performance by the family group, the Hoppers, recorded during a Bill Gaither Homecoming Concert in Jerusalem:

Speaking of the Gaither Homecoming concerts … just before enLighten’s launch date, the Gaither Tour made a stop in northern Virginia, just across the river from our XM headquarters, giving Dan and I the opportunity to meet several of Southern Gospel’s top artists. That’s where the Isaacs Family gathered around our microphone and improvised the enLighten jingle you heard when you clicked on this page.

The enLighten Channel Begins

On November 15th, 2004, we were up and running. I didn’t feel our programming in those early days was all that great, but we began to receive emails from those who were listening and enjoying. A year later, when the XM music channels were added to DirecTV, enLighten was included, and our email more than quadrupled overnight. In this time period, a new senior programming executive came on board. That gentleman, Erik Logan, having grown up in Oklahoma, part of what’s called the Bible Belt, understood the popularity of the genre on a national scale, even if it didn’t have a great following in the northeastern U. S. Hence, six months later when the next major re-structuring of the channels took place, enLighten was given a berth in the satellite channel lineup … Easter Sunday night April 17, 2006.

As described in my memoir, when XM Radio conducted its next subscriber listening survey just two months later, the channel already had a significant following — so much so that when come early 2007, at an all-employee gathering, enLighten was described as the “XM Radio Programming Success Story of 2006.”

Shortly thereafter, I had a conversation with Jerry Kirksey, who was the founding editor of Southern Gospel’s premier print publication, Singing News, when it began in 1969 and continued in that role until 2010. Here’s what he stated:

enLighten is the greatest thing that has happened to Southern Gospel since the “Gospel Singing Jubilee” television program began airing across America in 1964. This industry’s gratitude is unending. XM Radio is truly taking our music from sea to shining sea.

Jerry Kirksey

And, to that I can attest! Based on emails received, enLighten listeners can be found in all of the 48 continental states plus across Canada, especially in the Maritime and Prairie provinces.  Because of the stations’ popularity, in 2008, when XM and Sirius merged, enLighten was included among the surviving channels and received a berth on the Sirius system as well.

The Listeners Save enLighten

When, in 2011, senior management was making plans to remove enLighten from the satellite service, it was not me that saved it … it was the listeners, the paying customers, who banded together to bombard corporate executives with letters, emails, and telephone calls. And most impactful, subscribers called and canceled their subscriptions!

Action began when a young lady living in southern Kentucky was reviewing her forthcoming DishTV channel changes –– at the time, DishTV carried the Sirius music channels — and realized enLighten was missing from her channel list. Immediately, she created a “Save enLighten” Facebook page and began contacting the major Southern Gospel artists, all of whom maintain large email lists. All of this occurred before management had made me aware of their plans. Fortunately, the then-CEO Mel Karmazin realized the negative impact this was going to have on the Company. With only nine hours left before the scheduled removal, he reversed the planned deletion!

Marlin Leaves enLighten

In the fall of 2013, I would turn over the reins to Kyle Cantrell and its base of operations moved to Nashville … where it should be, as that’s where more and more of the Southern Gospel artists are headquartered.

Marlin Taylor’s Induction Into the 2021 SGMA Hall of Fame

Now, nearly 17 years later, enLighten continues to be one of SiriusXM’s premier channels with a following that continues to grow! AND, Marlin’s role in the channel’s history added a new chapter this past June when I received a telephone call to tell me that the announcement of my induction into the Southern Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame was imminent:

As with the other honors bestowed upon me in the latter years of my broadcast industry career, I feel humbled and blessed. What, you may ask, was the secret to all this success? The truth is there is no secret. All I did was prioritize what was best for those listening. I just always asked myself, “how and what can I provide which will in some way enrich their lives.”

Now, as I pack my bags and head to Pigeon Forge for the induction ceremonies, I remain thankful every day for the life that I’ve been privileged to live, and the opportunities which presented themselves, since beginning this love affair with radio 70+ years ago. I attribute at least a portion of my success to the motto, “The Listener Is #1.”

Please share your comments and your thoughts below… I’d love to hear from you.

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2 thoughts on “enLighten, Marlin, & his 2021 SGMA Hall of Fame Induction

  1. I am so very excited and grateful for your induction into the SGMA’s Hall Of Fame. There’s no disputing the fact that your work with EnLighten has resulted in, literally, tens of millions having the opportunity to hear Gospel Music on their radios, who otherwise might never had heard it.
    If anyone has earned their place in the Hall Of Fame, it’s certainly you. Only in eternity will we fully realize the positive impact you have made on the genre and its Artists; And only in eternity will we know the number of lives who have been touched, and forever changed, because of your efforts in getting the message of the Gospel to the masses, through SiriusXM.
    Thank you, and congratulations!

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