Selling the Advertising Community – Part One!

Book Extras

This is Part One of a two-part Marlin’s Musing Encore displaying how New York City’s WRFM told its story to the vast New York advertising community, which still had its doubts about the accuracy of the audience rating reports after the station came out of nowhere just months earlier to land in the Top Five of the Big Apple’s most-listened-to radio stations.

The coverage map above and this “open letter” are part of a large brochure distributed in the fall of 1970 (compare this date to the tongue-in-cheek phrase included above):

Book Extras: WRFM #1
Book Extras: WRFM #2

By the way, if you have not yet read my memoir, RADIO … My Love, My Passion … first of all recognize it is like no other radio memoir book you’ve ever read and, secondly, from now until March 15th, 2020, you can purchase two copies of this hard-cover book — one to read and one to give to someone else — for the ridiculous price of only $5.97 including shipping! Simply click on BOOK at the top of the page and follow the instructions.

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2 thoughts on “Selling the Advertising Community – Part One!

    1. In my nearly two decades with the Company, mostly with the syndication/consulting division we created following WRFM’s success, I was pleased and proud to work under the late Arch L. Madsen, who founded Bonneville for the church. Through our success and number of stations we programmed, we became the industry’s primary image/face for the name Bonneville!

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